In this paper, an analytical model for intrinsic capacitance is developed by estimating 2-dimensional electron gas density inside the triangular quantum well in AlInN/GaN metal oxide semiconductor high-electron mobility transistors by considering gate charge and through self-consistent solution of Poisson and Schrödinger equations. The charge separation method is applied to develop the intrinsic terminal charges and then the intrinsic capacitances accordingly. In order to validate the developed model, the results are compared with TCAD device simulation results. 1-4 It provides high 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density along with high-electron mobility, which makes it very suitable for high-frequency applications. Along with the significant device development and performance improvements in III-Nitride-based devices, analytical and numerical models are highly desirable to validate the device. So in this work, capacitance modeling of AlInN/GaN MOSHEMT is emphasized for reliable and accurate device performance in mm and sub-mm wave regime. An analytical model for intrinsic capacitance in GaN HEMT has been developed by considering the parasitic components. 5 Closed form charge-based I-V and C-V characteristics are developed for GaN-based MODFETs. 6-9 The effect of structural parameters on 2DEG density and C-V characteristics is demonstrated through numerical simulations.
10Recently, Jena et al developed the gate capacitance model for MOSHEMT device structure by considering the quantum capacitance.11,12 However, to date, there is no model present in the literature explaining the intrinsic capacitances formed in AlInN MOSHEMTs. Therefore, in this paper, gate, drain. and source terminal charges are modeled and the corresponding intrinsic capacitances in AlInN/GaN MOSHEMT are obtained. Section 2 describes the device structure, simulation setup and model development. In Section 3, results are discussed. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 4.
| MODEL DEVELOPMENTThe schematic view of AlInN/GaN MOSHEMT structure used to develop the compact analytical intrinsic capacitance model is shown in Figure 1