“…Neutronic modeling of bowing has then received much attention, because of several significant consequences. Those include fuel cycle management (Li, 2017a,b), excore instrumentation (Konheiser, 2016), safety regarding departure from nucleate boiling (Mukin, 2017;Mukin, 2018), rod design evolution (Fetterman, 2008) (since neutronic effect also has in return an actual impact on mechanics, see for instance (Karlsson, 1999;Syrjälahti, 2019)), and more generally core management policies (Kerkar and Paulin, 2008). The range of deformation can lead to 20 mm water gaps within the core (Shishkov, 2015;IAEA, 2008;Fetterman, 2008), representing a reference value used further to validate the proposed models.…”