“…Factors Reviewed [16] financial incentives, urban density, education level, environmentalism, income, fuel price, EV price, presence of production facilities, per capita vehicles, EV model availability, EV introduction date, recharging infrastructure, electricity price [34] income, EVSE at home, house ownership, mileage traveled, level of hybrid ownership, tendency to buy more new cars, ownership rate of solar panels [35,36] purchase price, range, CO 2 emission performance, engine power, time for charging/refueling, and running costs [37] price, running cost, driving range, acceleration, accessibility to recharging, [22] price, driving range, charging time, acceleration, fuel cost, pollution emitted, age, education, gasoline price change expectation, environmental sensitivity, preference to HEV, preference to small and mid-sized car, charger at home, innovation acceptance tendency [25] price, range, home refueling time, home refueling cost, service station refueling time, service station refueling cost, service station availability, acceleration, top speed, tailpipe emission, vehicle size, body type, luggage space [27] price, fuel cost, repair and maintenance cost, commuting time, acceleration, range, charging time [26] price, fuel cost, range, acceleration, fuel availability, emission reduction…”