Allowing for complex shape and low energy consumption, 3D printing, debinding, and sintering (PDS) is a promising and cost-effective additive manufacturing (AM) technology. Moreover, PDS is particularly suitable for producing bimetallic parts using two metal/polymer composite filaments in the same nozzle, known as co-extrusion, or in different nozzles, in a setup called bi-extrusion. The paper describes a first attempt to produce bimetallic parts using Inconel 718 and AISI 316L stainless steel via PDS. The primary goal is to assess the metallurgical characteristics, part shrinkage, relative density, and the interdiffusion phenomenon occurring at the interface of the two alloys. A first set of experiments was conducted to investigate the effect of deposition patterns on the above-mentioned features while keeping the same binding and sintering heat treatment. Different sintering temperatures (1260 °C, 1300 °C, and 1350 °C) and holding times (4 h and 8 h) were then investigated to improve the density of the printed parts. Co-extruded parts showed a better dimensional stability against the variations induced by the binding and sintering heat treatment, compared to bi-extruded samples. In co-extruded parts, shrinkage depends on scanning strategy; moreover, the higher the temperature and holding time of the sintering heat treatment, the higher the density reached. The work expands the knowledge of PDS for metallic multi-materials, opening new possibilities for designing and utilizing functionally graded materials in optimized components. With the ability to create intricate geometries and lightweight structures, PDS enables energy savings across industries, such as the aerospace and automotive industries, by reducing component weight and enhancing fuel efficiency. Furthermore, PDS offers substantial advantages in terms of resource efficiency, waste reduction, and energy consumption compared to other metal AM technologies, thereby reducing environmental impact.