Computational fluid dynamics represents a useful tool to support the design and development of Heavy Duty Engines, making possible to test the effects of injection strategies and combustion chamber design for a wide range of operating conditions. Predictive models are required to ensure accurate estimations of heat release and the main pollutant emissions within a limited amount of time. For this reason, both detailed chemistry and turbulence chemistry interaction need to be included. In this work, the authors intend to apply combustion models based on tabulated kinetics for the prediction of Diesel combustion in Heavy Duty Engines. Four different approaches were considered: wellmixed model, presumed PDF, representative interactive flamelets and flamelet progress variable. Tabulated kinetics was also used for the estimation of N O x emissions. The proposed numerical methodology was implemented into the Lib-ICE code, based on the OpenFOAM R technology, and validated against experimental data from a light-duty FPT engine. Ten points were considered at different loads and speeds where the engine operates under both conventional Diesel combustion and PCCI mode. A detailed comparison between computed and experimental data was performed in terms of in-cylinder pressure and NO x emissions.