Author Contributions: NK, MS, SŠ and HJ agreed about the research content. HJ and MN conceptualized the experimental method developed by Hanna Kähäri and demonstrated all the knowledge and details to NK. NK, MN and HJ developed the LMO-ST composition and processing conditions. NK, MS, HJ, MN and SŠ conceived the idea and course of the experiments. NK, SŠ synthesized the initial strontium titanate. NK conducted the RTF sample preparation and characterization, along with the optimization of processing parameters. SŠ operated the scanning electron microscope and provided the imaging of the composite samples. SŠ conducted XRD characterization of samples. NK, SŠ, MS analyzed the dielectric measurements, SEM micrographs and other results supporting the findings of the study. Findings were discussed and confirmed from NK, SŠ, MS, HJ, MN. All authors reviewed the manuscript.