On the battlefield of today, it has become an important requirement to hit moving or fixed targets by using tank or artillery ammunition with high precision. However, while there are many articles on guiding tactical missiles, it cannot found sufficient scientific study for guiding tank ammunition in the related literature. In this study, the laser BR-guidance method is offered to the classic tank ammunition with a diameter of 155 mm in order to give the tank a precision strike capacity, as different from the literature. First of all, an ammunition model is created with coefficients of the mass, inertia, and surface area and friction. In addition, an autopilot dynamic is modeled for the pitch and roll axes of the ammunition. Also, the atmosphere model and environmental factors are added to the model. In order to control this nonlinear model, a lead-compensator and a PD-controller are designed. In order for the results to be transferred to a real application, the accelerations obtained must basically be produced by the electric motors that will drive the control surfaces to be designed. At the end of the study, it is seen that both controllers can produce lateral accelerations within limits without reaching high saturation.