Climate reconstructions based on proxy records recovered from marine sediments, such as alkenone records or geochemical parameters measured on foraminifera, play an important role in our understanding of the climate system. They provide information about the state of the ocean ranging back hundreds to millions of years and form the backbone of paleooceanography. However, there are many sources of uncertainty associated with the signal recovered from sediment archived proxies. These include seasonal or depth habitat biases in the recorded signal, a frequency dependent reduction in the amplitude of the recorded signal due to bioturbation of the sediment, aliasing of high frequency climate variation onto a nominally annual, decadal or centennial resolution signal, and additional sample processing and measurement error introduced when the proxy signal is recovered. Here we present a forward model for sediment archived proxies that jointly models the above processes, so that the magnitude of their separate and combined effects can be investigated. Applications include the interpretation and analysis of uncertainty in existing proxy records, parameter sensitivity analysis to optimize future studies, and the generation of pseudo-proxy records that can be used to test reconstruction methods. We provide examples, such as the simulation of individual foraminifera records, that demonstrate the usefulness of the forward model for paleoclimate studies. The model is implemented as a user-friendly R package, sedproxy, the use of which we hope will contribute to a better understanding of both the limitations and potential of marine sediment proxies to inform about past climate. 1 Introduction Climate proxies are an imperfect record of the earth's past climate. Climate variations are encoded by geo-or biochemical processes into a medium which survives, archived, until it is sampled and the physical or chemical signal decoded back into estimates of direct climate variables. For example, the ratio of magnesium to calcium in the shells (tests) of marine foraminifera varies with the temperature at which they calcify and thus encodes a temperature signal. Upon death, these shells (the carrier) sink to the ocean floor and become buried (archived) in the sediment. They can later be recovered from sediment cores and their Mg/Ca ratio measured. Using the modern day relationship between foraminiferal Mg/Ca and temperature, down-core variations in the Mg/Ca ratio in foraminiferal tests can then be decoded back into an estimate of temperature variations back in time.