“…The literature reveals a lack of research regarding how the participants interact during a disaster and how socially cohesive communities suffering from the disaster are. Consequently, social cohesion can help strengthen the resilience and, in turn, the aid provided to communities in need (Cimellaro, Renschler, Reinhorn, & Arendt, 2016; Kimhi, 2016; Rachunok, Bennett, & Nateghi, 2019; Reuter & Spielhofer, 2017; Roy, Cebrian, & Hasan, 2019; Santos et al., 2018; Trakas, Panteli, Hatziargyriou, & Mancarella, 2019; Wilkin, Biggs, & Tatem, 2019). Thus, it becomes relevant to examine online communities and how socially cohesive they are.…”