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Documents in EconStor mayThe paper is released to make the research of LIFT generally available, in preliminary form, to encourage comments and suggestions prior to final publication. The views expressed in the paper are the ones of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the ECB, the ESCB, or any of the ESCB National Central Banks.ECB Working
JEL: D84, E52, E58
Keywords:Inflation expectations, anchoring, survey data, euro area, financial crisis.
ECB Working Paper 1945, August 2016 2
Non-technical summaryThis paper examines the anchoring of survey-based measures of inflation expectations in the euro area. We consider inflation expectations of professional forecasters and consumers for 1999Q1-2015Q3. In the case of the professional forecasters, we use one-year ahead, two-years ahead and 4-5-years ahead inflation forecasts from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), conducted every quarter. In the case of consumers, we use the European Commission Consumer survey, which provides a unique set of harmonised monthly data on 12-months ahead consumer inflation expectations across the EU economies. As the survey question is qualitative, we quantify consumer inflation expectations using the probability approach.We analyse anchoring of inflation expectations in the EMU period and pay special attention to possible changes in anchoring over the last few years, a period characterized by low inflation, increased economic uncertainty, zero lower bound (ZLB), and unconventional monetary policy measures. First, we examine the responsiveness of inflation expectations to actual inflation and the reaction of longer-term inflation expectations to shorter-term ones. Then, we analyse the anchoring of long-term inflation expectations to the ECB inflation target and extend this analysis to describe the behaviour of short-and medium-term inflation expectations. The novelty of our approach is in assessing the effectiveness of two main communication tools used by the ECB, the inflation target and the ECB inflation projections provided by the Eurosy...