Scatterometry or optical CD metrology (OCD) has become one of the most common techniques in quantitative wafer metrology within the recent years. Different tool configurations are either available in commercial inspection tools or subject of recent and present research activities. Among these are normal incidence reflectometry, 2-θ scatterometry, spectroscopic ellipsometry and angle resolved Fourier scatterometry. The two latter techniques appear to be promising for future use in semiconductor fabs. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is well established, and Fourier scatterometry has become of increasing interest within the recent time. Line edge roughness, i.e. an edge position variation of printed lines in lithography, has been of less importance up to now, as its amplitude could largely be neglected with respect to the feature dimensions. This will, however, not be the case for future nodes, as on the one hand CDs are getting smaller and smaller, and on the other hand, even the absolute amplitude is expected to increase due to the higher complexity of lithography and etch processes. In this paper a comparison of scatterometric reconstructions in both spectroscopic and angle resolved techniques considering LER afflicted samples is presented. The validity and benefit of a simple effective medium model is investigated.