In the past few decades, numerous efforts have been made to advance our understanding of the Earth's radiation belt electron dynamics (Li & Hudson, 2019; Ripoll et al., 2020, and references therein), where wave-particle interactions play an important role in various electron acceleration and loss processes (Baker, 2021;Thorne, 2010; Thorne et al., 2021, and references therein). The study of Zhang et al. (2021) reported, for the first time, an upper limit of radiation belt electron fluxes over a wide energy range from hundreds of keV to multi-MeV based on 7-year DEMETER and 6-year Van Allen Probes measurements. The observed upper flux limit of the 100 keV-1 MeV electrons is roughly inversely proportional to the kinetic energy in the outer belt, which is consistent with theoretical predictions by Summers and Shi (2014) based on the Kennel-Petschek (KP) theory (Kennel & Petschek, 1966). In the KP theory, the pitch-angle diffusion due to wave-particle interactions leads to particle precipitation into the ionosphere and results in trapped anisotropic electron population, which itself generates whistler-mode waves and leads to further precipitation, and the wave growth rate is limited by the wave damping, leading to self-limited electron fluxes. In addition, based on superposed epoch analysis of 70 geomagnetic storms, the study of Olifer et al. ( 2021) revealed consistency of the upper limit of electron fluxes with energies <∼850 keV between the observations and the theoretical results from KP theory. However, the upper limit of MeV electron fluxes is not well captured by KP theory in either Olifer et al. (2021) or Zhang et al. (2021), since the electron fluxes at such high energies typically do not result in wave growth, and this high energy upper flux limit still remains not fully understood.