Metallic nuclear fuels for use in advanced reactors are an active area of research and development. Robust, accurate metallic fuel performance models are necessary for the design, analysis, and licensing of such reactors. However, metallic fuel performance models require additional development; they are not as mature as uranium dioxide fuel performance models. To support further metallic fuel development, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Florida have streamlined the coupling of the BISON fuel performance code with Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications (Dakota) statistical analysis tool through the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Workbench. This work included performing three different sensitivity analyses on metallic nuclear fuel models in BISON. The analyses examined were a general model of the IFR-1 experiment, the X430 experiment T654 pin, and the X430 experiment T651 pin. The results suggest that BISON and Dakota can be integrated through NEAMS Workbench to perform sensitivity and uncertainty analyses and visualize the results.