Appendix A is added. Appendix A contains (1) post-closure criticality results with principal set of 29 isotopes (recommended for post-closure criticality analysis) for eight sites (total 215 DPCs), (2) reactivity reduction study results by groundwater species applied to as-loaded DPCs, and (3) reactivity impact of filler material applied to as-loaded DPCs. In the main body, Figures 2, 5-9, and 11 are updated to be consistent with FCRD-UFD-2014-000069, Investigation of . Changes in the main body are identified by a black vertical line in the margin.
FCRD-UFD-2014-000520, Revision 2Appendix B is added. Appendix B contains (1) post-closure criticality results for 16 new sites (total 339 DPCs), and(2) reactivity reduction study by groundwater species (NaCl) applied to as-loaded DPCs at 16 sites. Changes in the main body are identified by a black vertical line in the margin.
FCRD-UFD-2014-000520, Revision 3Appendix C is added. Appendix C contains a misload methodology for as-loaded disposal calculations and an evaluation for misload of 3 sites and 99 canisters. Changes in the main body are identified by a black vertical line in the margin.
FCRD-UFD-2014-000520, Revision 4Appendix D is added. Appendix D contains (1) a description of the criticality models for the NUHOMS ® 24PT1-DSC and NUHOMS ® 32 PT-DSC DPCs, (2) post-closure criticality calculation results for five sites (total 60 DPCs), (3) reactivity reduction study results by groundwater species applied to as-loaded DPCs, (4) misload analyses assuming the worst fuel assembly configuration in an asloaded canister, and (5) a filler height scoping calculation.
FCRD-UFD-2014-000520, Revision 5Appendix E is added. Appendix E contains: (1) a description of the criticality models for the NUHOMS ® 32 PT-DSC and NUHOMS ® 61 BT-DSC loss of absorber models, (2) post-closure criticality calculation results for five sites (total 92 DPCs), (3) reactivity reduction study results by groundwater species applied to asloaded DPCs, and (4) misload analyses assuming the worst fuel assembly configuration in an as-loaded canister.
FCRD-UFD-2014-000520, Revision 6Appendix F is added. Appendix F contains calculations that (1) extend the analytical timeline for the 708 canisters analyzed through FY19 from 22,000 years to 1,100,000 years, (2) characterize the effects of cementitious filler materials have on post closure criticality scenarios, (3) provide post-closure criticality calculation results for four sites (66 new DPCs), (4) provide reactivity reduction study results by groundwater species applied to as-loaded DPCs, and (5) present misload analyses