The large content of potassium and chlorine in lignocellulosic biomass greatly enhances the formation and accumulation of deposits and thus lead to corrosion in the different component of boilers compared to that of coal fired boiler. It is, thus, imperative to study the characteristics of the ash from lignocellulosic biomass and compare the results with the ash of non-lignocellulosic biomass. In this study, two lignocellulosic biomass ash samples from oat (agricultural biomass) and willow (forest wood biomass) were prepared and characterized and compared with a non-lignocellulosic biomass (poultry litter) ash samples. The detailed ash analysis and characterization of biomasses were performed by using elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Xray diffraction (XRD). Ash samples from these biomasses are prepared at 800ᴼC, 900ᴼC and 1000ᴼC for SEM and XRD analysis. The poultry litter ash exhibits a higher alkali index, clorine and sulfur content, and a lower ash fusion temperature and silica in ash compared to that of willow and oats. Also, a very high ash content in poultry litter potentially requires high-volume ashhandling equipment and more attention to particulate removal, slagging, and fouling while used in a combustor/boiler. Therefore, care must be taken for using poultry litter as fuel for coal or lignocellulosic biomass combustion system.