Biofuels are an increasing part of the sustainable energy
This makes it a societal and economic imperative to optimize biofuel
production. Mitigating the toxic effects of amphiphilic co-solvents
is one way to improve the efficiency of biofuel production. Amphiphiles
partition into cellular membranes, leading to membrane thinning, destabilization,
loss of membrane potential, and, ultimately, cell death. However,
this picture of solvent toxicity misses the disruptive impact of co-solvents
on lateral membrane organization, which is increasingly recognized
as critical for membrane protein sorting and oligomerization. The
alteration or disruption of membrane domains has deleterious effects
on cellular processes. In this work, we pursue the hypothesis that
membrane lateral organization is disrupted by the presence of co-solvents
at concentrations lower than those which lead to full membrane destabilization.
The disruption occurs due to an increasing interfacial tension between
the co-existing phases, resulting in conformational changes to minimize
the interfacial length-to-area ratio. This represents an unrecognized
mode of solvent-induced stress and a new target for interventions
to improve fermentation yields.