Most vertebrate species use sound to communicate intra-and inter-specifically. The vocal repertoires of vertebrate groups range widely, with mammals and especially primates having greater repertoires and call complexity than amphibians. It is often assumed that an increase in vocal complexity requires a corresponding increase in the neuromuscular machinery involved in phonation (e.g. Gaunt, 1983;Simpson and Vicario, 1990). According to this view, animals that lack sophisticated mechanisms for motor control of the vocal system are limited to producing relatively simple vocal signals. An alternative means for increasing vocal complexity involves the intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of the oscillators in the larynx or syrinx (Fee et al., 1998). The nonlinear properties of the vocal source enable very small, gradual changes in a control parameter (such as the driving respiratory pressure or rate of airflow across the oscillator) to produce abrupt changes in the vibratory mode, resulting in such nonlinear phenomena as period doubling, biphonation, abrupt frequency jumps and deterministic chaos. The relatively recent application of nonlinear dynamics theory to animal communication has fostered a growing interest in the possible importance of nonlinear phenomena in acoustic communication (Fee et al., 1998;Wilden et al., 1998; BantaLavenex, 1999;Fee, 2002;Fitch et al., 2002).We investigated the inherent nonlinear properties of the larynx of a remarkable frog, Amolops tormotus (Ranidae). Whereas most frogs produce relatively simple calls, the vocalizations of A. tormotus are unusual in several respects. First, males of this small species produce a seemingly endless variety of warbling calls that typically contain both upward and downward frequency modulations (Feng et al., 2002). Second, this frog is unique among those studied in using ultrasound for communication. Many A. tormotus calls extend well into the ultrasonic frequency range (Narins et al., 2004). It has been shown that these frogs can detect and respond to ultrasound (Feng et al., 2006). By extending its vocal communication to Most anurans are highly vocal but their vocalizations are stereotyped and simple with limited repertoire sizes compared with other vocal vertebrates, presumably because of the limited mechanisms for fine vocal motor control. We recently reported that the call of the concaveeared torrent frog (Amolops tormotus Fei) is an exception in its seemingly endless variety, musical warbling quality, extension of call frequency into the ultrasonic range and the prominence of subharmonics, chaos and other nonlinear features. We now show that the major spectral features of its calls, responsible for this frog's vocal diversity, can be generated by forcing pressurized air through the larynx of euthanized males. Laryngeal specializations for ultrasound appear to include very thin portions of the medial vocal ligaments and reverse sexual size dimorphism of the larynx -being smaller in males than in females. The intricate morphology of the vocal cords, which ...