The main shunting operations at the cargo terminal compose of supply of cars for loading and their removal after unloading. The article describes the modes of operation of a shunting diesel locomotive performing these operations. The procedure for calculating in the form of an algorithm for determining performance indicators of a shunting locomotive is given, followed by the results of calculations for performing a technological operation of supplying cars for loading and removing them after unloading by a ChME3 diesel locomotive at the cargo terminal. The necessity of increasing the requirements for quality of control decisions made by drivers of shunting diesel locomotives is determined. The criterion for evaluating the use of one or another locomotive control mode has been adjusted. These studies are aimed at ensuring control in the most efficient way, providing for a reduction in fuel consumption by shunting diesel locomotives and thereby reducing the cost of shunting work at the cargo terminal, the costs for owners of cargo terminals. Also, a comparative analysis of the use of various options for controlling a diesel locomotive for the most common operation, supply of five cars for loading and their removal after unloading, at the cargo terminal under specified operating conditions is performed and presented. The cost of fuel saved through the use of a rational mode of control of a shunting locomotive has been determined.