DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2013-0394
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Modeling the unsaturated soil zone in slope stability analysis

Abstract: The linear form of the extended Mohr–Coulomb shear strength equation uses a [Formula: see text] parameter to quantify the rate of increase in shear strength relative to matric suction. When the [Formula: see text] value is unknown, a [Formula: see text] equal to 15° is sometimes used in the slope stability study to assess the influence of matric suction on the stability of a slope. In many cases, however, a [Formula: see text] value of zero is used, signifying that the effect of matric suction is ignored. Expe… Show more

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Cited by 117 publications
(43 citation statements)
References 28 publications
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“…As shown in Figure 3.13 based on the study by , the safety factor increases approximately linearly with the ratio of f b /f′. Zhang et al (2014) illustrated the effect of estimated unsaturated shear strength on stability of homogenous slopes with different types of soils (sand, silt, clay). Zhang et al (2014) illustrated the effect of estimated unsaturated shear strength on stability of homogenous slopes with different types of soils (sand, silt, clay).…”
Section: Soil Shear Strength Propertiesmentioning
confidence: 71%
“…As shown in Figure 3.13 based on the study by , the safety factor increases approximately linearly with the ratio of f b /f′. Zhang et al (2014) illustrated the effect of estimated unsaturated shear strength on stability of homogenous slopes with different types of soils (sand, silt, clay). Zhang et al (2014) illustrated the effect of estimated unsaturated shear strength on stability of homogenous slopes with different types of soils (sand, silt, clay).…”
Section: Soil Shear Strength Propertiesmentioning
confidence: 71%
“…The feasibility of the developed model is assessed by comparison with the numerical results predicted by Zhang et al [50], in which both the linear and nonlinear relationship between the unsaturated shear strength and matric suction determined by the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) were adopted to investigate the effect of matric suction on the slope stability, for a steep unsaturated-soil slope with 30 m high and 50° inclination angle, as illustrated in Figure 8. The parameters for both models are illustrated in Table 1.…”
Section: Comparison With the Existing Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The parameters for both models are illustrated in Table 1. In addition, the inclined groundwater table in the research of Zhang et al [50] is assumed to be horizontal with an average 5 m below the toe of the slope for simplicity.…”
Section: Comparison With the Existing Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, it is later well recognized that the suction angle b ϕ is a not constant value and the increase in the unsaturated shear strength has an obviously nonlinear form over a wide range of soil suction (Escario and Saez 1986;Fredlund et al 1987;Zhang et al 2014). In addition, almost all D r a f t researches involving unsaturated soils have treated the matric suction as an independent stress variable.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Therefore, the information about the distribution of matric suction is required, which is usually unknown and assumed to be uniform (Zhang et al 2014) or linear (Zhang et al 2015) along depth. In reality, under precipitation conditions, the matric suction along the sliding surface could be highly variable.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%