When delivered over a speci c cortical site, TMS can temporarily disrupt the ongoing process in that area. This allows mapping of speech-related areas for preoperative evaluation purposes. We numerically explore the observed variability of TMS responses during a speech mapping experiment performed with a neuronavigation system. We selected four cases with very small perturbations in coil position and orientation. In one case (E) a naming error occurred, while in the other cases (NE A, B, C ) the subject appointed the images as smoothly as without TMS. A realistic anisotropic head model was constructed of the subject from T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI. The induced electric eld distributions were computed, associated to the coil parameters retrieved from the neuronavigation system. Finally, the membrane potentials along relevant white matter bre tracts, extracted from DTI-based tractography, were computed using a compartmental cable equation. While only minor differences could be noticed between the induced electric eld distributions of the four cases, computing the corresponding membrane potentials revealed different subsets of tracts were activated. A single tract was activated for all coil positions. Another tract was only triggered for case E. NE A induced action potentials in 13 tracts, while NE B stimulated 11 tracts and NE C one. The calculated results are certainly sensitive to the coil speci cations, demonstrating the observed variability in this study. However, even though a tract connecting Broca's with Wernicke's area is only triggered for the error case, further research is needed on other study cases and on re ning the neural model with synapses and network connections. Caseand subject-speci c modelling that includes both electromagnetic elds and neuronal activity enables demonstration of the variability in TMS experiments and can capture the interaction with complex neural networks.