Molecular docking is a standard technique in structure-based drug design (SBDD). It aims to predict the 3D structure of a small molecule in the binding site of a receptor (often a protein). Despite being a common technique, it often necessitates multiple tools and involves manual steps. Here, we present the JAMDA preprocessing and docking workflow that is easy to use and allows fully automated docking. We evaluate the JAMDA docking workflow on binding sites extracted from the complete PDB and derive key factors determining JAMDA's docking performance. With that, we try to remove most of the bias due to manual intervention and provide a realistic estimate of the redocking performance of our JAMDA preprocessing and docking workflow for any PDB structure. On this large PDBScan22 data set, our JAMDA workflow finds a pose with an RMSD of at most 2 Å to the crystal ligand on the top rank for 30.1% of the structures. When applying objective structure quality filters to the PDBScan22 data set, the success rate increases to 61.8%. Given the prepared structures from the JAMDA preprocessing pipeline, both JAMDA and the widely used AutoDock Vina perform comparably on this filtered data set (the PDBScan22-HQ data set).