“…We select both resource intensive applications better suited for cloud resources, and more lightweight services that edge devices can accommodate. These include S1: face recognition (identify human faces using FaceNet [118]), S2: tree recognition (identify trees using a CNN from TensorFlow's Model Zoo [24,28]), S3: drone detection (detect other drones using an SVM classifier trained for the orange tag all our drones have [5]), S4: obstacle avoidance (detect obstacles in the drone's vicinity and adjusts course to avoid them, using the obstacle detection framework in ardrone-autonomy [5]), S5: people deduplication (disambiguate between faces using FaceNet [118]), S6: maze (navigate through a walled maze using the Wall Follower algorithm [22,51]), S7: weather analytics (weather prediction based on temperature and humidity levels in sensor data), S8: soil analytics (estimation of soil hydration from images and humidity sensor), S9: text recognition (image to text conversion of signs), and finally S10: simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM, using image and sensor data) [4]. We evaluate one service at a time to eliminate interference, however, the platform supports multi-tenancy.…”