Temporal Databases (TDB) have as a primary aim to offer a common framework to those DB applications that need to store or handle temporal data of different nature or source, since they allow to unify the concept of time from the point of view of its meaning, its representation and its manipulation. At first sight, it may seem that incorporation of time to a DB is a direct and even simple task, but, on the contrary, it is a quite complex aim because time may be provided by different sources, with different granularities and meaning. The situation gets more complex when the time specification is not made in precise but in fuzzy terms, where together with the inherent problems of the time domain, we have to consider the imprecision factor. To deal with this problem, the first task to perform is to unify as much as possible the representation of time in order to be able to define the range and the semantics of the necessary operators to handle data of this type.