Abstract-Probabilistic model checking is used for verifying stochastic behaviors of systems. Model checking plays imperative role for scrutinizing of novel protocols in almost every field including computer communications, networks, security, and biology prior to extensive simulations. In this paper we present an overview of few diverse case studies which are implemented using one of the leading probabilistic symbolic models checking tool, called Probabilistic Symbolic Model (
I. INTRODUCTIONProbabilistic model checking is one of the most popular verification methods useful to accomplish accuracy evaluation which is otherwise intricate and time consuming to attain via simulations now a days. This type of model checking is used for formal verification related to the quantitative properties of stochastic behaviors of systems. Probabilistic model checking is related to the construction and scrutiny of a probabilistic model from a high-level description of a system's behavior. Model analysis is performed by specifying one or more quantitative properties which are stated in temporal logic. These properties help to measure correctness of the system along with reliability andAlthough a number of probabilistic and hybrid model checking tools are being successfully employed by researchers [6] excess deployment in diverse domains. In this paper, an overview of varying protocols verified via PRISM is presented. Section II discusses about PRISM model checker and the models it supports. Section III presents eleven different communication protocols which have been verified via PRISM. Section IV specifies a case study of FTTT protocol. Finally, Section V states concluding remarks.
II. PRISM MODEL CHECKERPRISM is an open source probabilistic model checker and available to run on the majority of operating systems. The website of PRISM [1] developed at University of Oxford offers its download, tutorials, a huge repository of publications and case studies. It supports Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC), Markov Decision Process (MDP), Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) and probabilistic timed automata. The system models are stated in a high level language via guarded command mutation which is based on reactive modules formalism. A set of modules representing the components of a system constitutes a PRISM model and each module comprises of states and transitions. States represent the possible configuration of the system and transitions correspond to change of states relating to time. PRISM performs model checking by expressing properties in PCTL, CSL and LTL. To specify additional quantitative measures, costs and rewards are added to the properties. Fig. 1 illustrates the two main parts of a system specification in PRISM: the model and the properties. PRISM provides results in either log form or in the form of a graph [2], [3]. PRISM has capability to work out quantitative measures corresponding to model behaviour such as expected time for transmission, expected total transmission energy. To specify these measures, it makes use of...