Abstract. In southern France, flash flood episodes frequently cause fatalities and severe damage. In order to inform and warn populations, the French flood forecasting service (SCHAPI, Service Central d'Hydrométéorologie et d'Appuià la Prévision des Inondations) initiated the BVNE (Bassin Versant Numérique Expérimental, or Experimental Digital Basin) project in an effort to enhance flash flood predictability. The target area for this study is the Gardon d'Anduze basin, located in the heart of the Cévennes range. In this Mediterranean mountainous setting, rainfall intensity can be very high, resulting in flash flooding. Discharge and rainfall gauges are often exposed to extreme weather conditions, which undermines measurement accuracy and continuity. Moreover, the processes governing rainfall-discharge relations are not well understood for these steeply-sloped and heterogeneous basins. In this context of inadequate information on both the forcing variables and process knowledge, neural networks are investigated due to their universal approximation and parsimony properties. We demonstrate herein that thanks to a rigorous variable and complexity selection, efficient forecasting of up to two-hour durations, without requiring rainfall forecasting as input, can be derived using the measured discharges available from a feedforward model. In the case of discharge gauge malfunction, in degraded mode, forecasting may result using a recurrent neural network model. We also observe that neural network models exhibit low sensitivity to uncertainty in rainfall measurements since producing ensemble forecasting does not significantly affect forecasting quality. In providing good results, this study suggests close consideration of our main purpose: generating forecasting on ungauged basins.