ABSTRACT: Casini, Illari, Russo, and Williamson (2011) suggest to model mechanisms by means of recursive Bayesian networks (RBNs) and Clarke,
Leuridan, and Williamson (2014) extend their modeling approach to mechanisms featuring causal feedback. One of the main selling points of the RBN approach should be that it provides answers to questions concerning the effects of manipulation and control across the levels of a mechanism.
In this paper I demonstrate that the method to compute the effects of interventions the authors mentioned endorse leads to absurd results under the additional assumption of faithfulness, which can be expected to hold for many RBN models of mechanisms.
Keywords: recursive Bayesian networks, mechanism, modeling, intervention, manipulation, control.
RESUMEN: Casini, Illari, Russo y Williamson (2011) proponen modelar los mecanismos mediante redes bayesianas recursivas (RBNs) y Clarke, Leuridan y Williamson (2014) extienden su enfoque sobre la modelización a mecanismos que presentan retroalimentación causal.