Original scientific paper Electronic vehicle identification (EVI) technology is often introduced to implement congestion-based toll. This paper presented an ex ante evaluation method for EVI adaptability and discussed the feasibility of this technology in congestion charge on the basis of assessment. First, system dynamics was introduced to qualitatively analyze the effect of EVI on urban traffic systems with feedback chains. An EVI adaptability evaluation model was then developed based on principal component analysis (PCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). Given numerous output variables, a PCA model was built to reduce variable dimensionalities. Subsequently, two scenarios of EVI application under a congestion-based toll in Beijing were presented and calculated according to field data. Scenario 1 covered 5 % of the total vehicles, as well as the toll zone within the 2nd Ring Road. Meanwhile, scenario 2 covered 5 % more vehicles and included Zhongguancun West District based on scenario 1. According to evaluation result, the adaptability classifications of scenarios 1 and 2 were identified as basic adaptive & adaptive respectively, and that scenario 2 was more adaptive and feasible than scenario 1. In addition, the adaptability trends of the two scenarios between 2003 and 2012 were analyzed and proved to be consistent with the practical situation. The findings had significant implications for policy makers who determined the priority domains of internet of things technology applications by assessing the adaptability of these technologies before deployment.
Keywords: adaptability; congestion charge; data envelopment analysis (DEA); electronic vehicle identification (EVI); evaluation
Procjena prilagodljivosti elektroničke identifikacije vozila u gradskom prometu: analiza slučaja PekingaIzvorni znanstveni članak Tehnologija elektroničke identifikacije vozila (EVI) često se uvodi kako bi se izvršila naplata cestarine u vrijeme zagušenja prometa. U radu je predstavljena metoda za procjenu prilagodljivosti EVI-a te razmatrana provedivost te tehnologije u nadzoru zagušenja na temelju procjene. Najprije je određena dinamika sustava u svrhu kvalitetne analize učinka EVI-a na sustav gradskog prometa s nizom povratnih informacija. Zatim je izgrađen model za procjenu prilagodljivosti EVI-a temeljen na analizi glavnih komponenti (principal component analysis -PCA) i analizi dobivenih podataka (data envelopment analysis -DEA). Zbog brojnih izlaznih varijabli sastavljen je PCA model kako bi se smanjile veličine varijabli. Nakon toga, predstavljena su dva scenarija primjene EVI-a za naplatu cestarine u vrijeme zagušenja prometa u Pekingu. Scenario 1 je obuhvatio 5 % ukupnog broja vozila, kao i naplatnu zonu unutar 2nd Ring Road. U međuvremenu, scenarijem 2 je obuhvaćeno 5 % više vozila i uključen je Zhongguancun West District baziran na scenariju 1. Prema dobivenim rezultatima procjene, scenarij 1 je označen kao u osnovi prilagodljiv, a scenarij 2 kao prilagodljiv, odnosno scenarij 2 je prepoznat kao prilagodljiviji i izvodl...