In the present study, the fl uid fl ow in a periodic, non-isotropic dual scale porous media consisting of permeable square rods in inline arrangement is analyzed to determine permeability, numerically. The continuity and NavierStokes equations are solved to obtain the velocity and pressure distributions in the unit structures of the dual scale porous media for fl ows within Darcy region. Based on the obtained results, the intrinsic inter and intraparticle permeabilities and the bulk permeability tensor of the dual scale porous media are obtained for different values of inter and intraparticle porosities. The study is performed for interparticle porosities between 0.4 and 0.75 and for intraparticle porosities from 0.2 to 0.8. A correlation based on Kozeny-Carman relationship in terms of inter and intraparticle porosities and permeabilities is proposed to determine the bulk permeability tensor of the dual scale porous media.