The ecological dynamics of riparian areas interact with sediment transport in river systems, which plays an active role in riparian vegetation growth in the floodplain. The fluvial dynamics, hydraulics, hydro-meteorological and geomorphological characteristics of rivers are associated with sediment transport in river systems and around the riparian area. The flood disturbance, sediment with nutrients and seeds transported by river, sediment deposition, and erosion phenomena in the floodplain change the bare land area to vegetation area and vice versa. The difference in riparian vegetation area in the river floodplain is dependent on the sediment grain size distribution which is deposited in the river floodplain. Mathematical models describing vegetation growth in a short period exist in literature, but long-term modelling and validations are still lacking. In order to cover long-term vegetation growth modelling, a Dynamic Riparian Vegetation Model (DRIPVEM) was proposed. This paper highlights the existing modelling technique of DRIPVEM coupled with a Dynamic Herbaceous Model used to establish the interactive relationship of sediment grain sizes and riparian vegetation in the floodplain.