Examination of the energy situation is essential, especially for countries that are dependent on foreign Energy terms of Energy. Energy consumption, which increases indirectly with population and technology, needs to be evaluated in the short, medium, and long term. Energy projections are one of the most critical issues in the development planning of states. In this study, the population and energy status of the Kütahya province of Turkey were examined in detail, and the population and Energy projections were evaluated. While reviewing the population projection, predictions have been prepared depending on the population changes of the last five years, the last ten years, the last 15 years, and the previous 20 years, together with the projection prepared by the Turkish Statistical Institute. While preparing the electrical energy consumption projection of Kütahya province, evaluations were made according to three different scenarios prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey. Accordingly, the electricity consumption of Kütahya province in 2039; has been determined as 2.71 billion kWh according to the 1st scenario, 2.96 billion kWh according to the 2nd scenario, and 3.27 billion kWh according to the 3rd scenario.