Quality certification programs are internationally recognized processes for externally assessing and improving quality, resolution, and sustainability in healthcare organizations. In these organizations, knowledge is a strategic intangible asset. Concurrently, knowledge management (KM), through its practices and tools, promotes the use of organizational knowledge, and can help transform knowledge into action in the dynamic, systemic, competitive, and demanding environment faced by such organizations. In this context, this study aims to analyze the association between strategic KM practices and the evolution of certified health organizations by measuring the evolution of quality descriptors implemented during participation in the certification program. The research adopts a quantitative approach, with a descriptive-exploratory nature, and follows a cross-sectional design. Presented here are concepts relative to the theme and constructs that support the analysis proposed in this study. For data collection, two instruments were used. The first is related to the evolution of companies participating in a certification program, and the second is a questionnaire designed to identify knowledge management practices developed within the companies. The study was developed in 24 healthcare companies in Brazil that participated in a certification program. The results identify an association between KM practices and the level of evolution of certified healthcare organizations. The companies have in common the incentive to share knowledge in the workplace, as well as providing continuous training opportunities. There is an observed need for organizations to effectively communicate their strategic objectives and develop financial incentives and career development based on knowledge. The results confirm the relationship between KM practices and the evolution of healthcare organizations.