IntroduzioneNegli ultimi decenni il bosco ha assunto un significato e un ruolo sostanzialmente diverso da quello del passato, costituendo un bene ambientale, economico e culturale di rilevante interesse sociale (Ciancio 2003). La multifunzionalità delle foreste, unitamente alle considerazioni sulle nuove dimensioni scientifiche e culturali assunte dai boschi, trovano compiutezza nei principi della Gestione Forestale Sostenibile (MCPFE 1993). Questa si concretizza con la mediazione tra gli interessi produttivi, le necessità ambientali e le esigenze sociali legate al patrimonio, riuscendo contemporaneamente a garantire l'approvvigionamento di materie prime e di prodotti fo-
it).Abstract: Sustainable forest management and forest biomass estimates in Calabria (Southern Italy): a case study. Based on LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data, estimates of volume and biomass potentially available from coppice and high forest stands under different silvicultural options were estimated in a case study located in the Pollino National Park (Calabria -Southern Italy) within the framework of the ALForLAB project.Estimates of volume and biomass potentially available were elaborated separately for the main silvicultural types: beech, Calabrian pine and Mediterranean pines high forest stands on one hand, and for traditional coppices, outgrown coppice and coppice in conversion to high forest on the other. The estimates were performed taking into duly account both of the forest regional law and the restrictions due to the protected area (Natural Park). The overall standing volume ranged from 4.8 up to 7.7 M m 3 , while the volume potentially available ranged from 3.7 up to 6 M m 3 . Estimates of mass potentially available under the the adoption of different silvicultural system and options, in a sustainable forest management context, and according to the main stand structure types were analysed and discussed.