Abstract. This work focuses on the reprocessability of metallic 92 Mo and ceramic MgO, which is under investigation for (Pu,MA)-oxide (MA = minor actinide) fuel within a metallic 92 Mo matrix (CERMET) and a ceramic MgO matrix (CERCER). Magnesium oxide and molybdenum reference samples have been fabricated by powder metallurgy. The dissolution of the matrices was studied as a function of HNO 3 concentration (1-7 mol/L) and temperature (25-90°C). The rate of dissolution of magnesium oxide and metallic molybdenum increased with temperature. While the MgO rate was independent of the acid concentration (1-7 mol/L), the rate of dissolution of Mo increased with acid concentration. However, the dissolution of Mo at high temperatures and nitric acid concentrations was accompanied by precipitation of MoO 3 . The extraction of uranium, americium, and europium in the presence of macro amounts of Mo and Mg was studied by three different extraction agents: tri-n-butylphosphate (TBP), N, N-dimethyl-N,N-dioctylhexylethoxymalonamide (DMDOHEMA), and N,N,N',N'--tetraoctyldiglycolamide (TODGA). With TBP no extraction of Mo and Mg occurred. Both matrix materials are partly extracted by DMDOHEMA. Magnesium is not extracted by TODGA (D < 0.1), but a weak extraction of Mo is observed at low Mo concentration.