Minimally invasive surgeries are widely used in traumatology and orthopedics. Both the surgical technique and the instruments applied are getting better, which contributes to the improvement of functional results of patient treatment.
Aim of the study: to present a new method of minimally invasive surgery using the original guide device in the treatment of acquired valgus deformity of the first toe.
This study describes a guide device that can be applied in correcting osteotomies for Hallux Valgus. This instrument is used to install guide wires for the subsequent insertion of compression screws fixing the fragments of the first metatarsal bone. We also present a clinical case illustrating the successful use of the device described. A patient underwent minimally invasive correction of a moderately severe valgus deformity of the first toe. In the postoperative period, she was managed according to an accelerated rehabilitation protocol that included full load on the operated limb the day after osteotomy, as well as a complex of exercises to improve active movements in the foot joints. The advantages of minimally invasive surgeries in the treatment of patients with Hallux Valgus, one of which is the possibility of early rehabilitation, are discussed in the article. It has been demonstrated that minimally invasive correcting osteotomies provide better functional results compared with open surgeries. This can be explained by the development of more advanced methods of surgical treatment and new instruments.
Conclusion. The use of the presented guide device reduces surgery duration, decreases sof-tissue injury, and minimizes the radiation exposure of the surgeon and the patient.