Abstract. The recent application of neuroimaging techniques in veterinary neurology has led to the accurate localization of many types of intracranial lesions but has also created a clinical need, particularly with brain tumors, for a specific intraoperative diagnosis. For human brain tumors, a smear technique has been used successfully for many years to provide an extremely rapid, highly accurate intraoperative diagnosis. In similar smear preparations of intracranial lesions, obtained either by computed tomography (CT)-guided stereobiopsy or from a craniotomy, we have described distinguishing cytologic features of some primary spontaneous nervous system tumors in 80 dogs and 13 cats. A final diagnosis was confirmed by evaluation of paraffin-embedded sections from the same sample and, when appropriate, by immunocytochemical staining. Preliminary findings indicate that, in dogs and cats, this procedure is useful for rapid, accurate intraoperative diagnosis of many primary nervous system tumors. The distinguishing features of the canine and feline tumors bear a remarkably close resemblance to their human counterparts.