This study investigates the properties of waves in relativistic extended magnetohydrodynamics (RXMHD), which includes Hall and electron thermal inertia e ects. We focus on the case when the electron temperature is ultrarelativistic, and thus, the electron thermal inertia becomes nite at near the proton inertial scale. We derive the linear dispersion relation of RXMHD and nd that the Hall and electron thermal inertia e ects couple with the displacement current, giving rise to three superluminous waves in addition to the slow, fast, and Alfvén waves. We also show that the phase-and group-velocity surfaces of fast and Alfvén waves are distorted by the Hall and electron thermal inertia e ects. There is a range of scales where the group velocity of fast wave is smaller than that of the Alfvén and slow waves. These ndings are applicable to a region near the funnel base of low-luminosity accretion ows where electrons can be ultrarelativistic.