Section of normal rat liver stained with toluidine blue. RNA staining is slightly more intense in cells around portal spaces (ps) than around the central veins (cv). x93.
FIGURE 2Adjacent section stained by the PAS reaction. Glycogen staining is slightly more intense in centrolobular areas than in periportal areas. x 93.
FIGURE 3Liver section from a rat fed DAB for 30 days. Toluidine blue staining reveals a loss of RNA in centrolobular areas (delimited by broken lines). ~9 3 .
FIGURE 4Adjacent section stained by the PAS reaction. A loss of glycogen occurs in centrolobular hypobasophilic parenchyma. x 93.
FIGURE 5Liver section from a DAB-fed animal, toluidine blue staining. Hyperplastic nodules and trabeculae of bile ducts and connective tissue. x 93.
FIGURE 6Adjacent section, PAS reaction. Glycogen stains intensely in hyperplastic nodules; trabeculae are negative.x 93.
FIGURE ILiver section from DAB-fed rat, tohidine blue staining. A hyperbasophilic focus, developing from nodular parenchyma, is shown on the left. x 230.
FIGURE 8Adjacent section, PAS reaction. Absence of glycogen in hyperbasophilic focus, intense staining of surrounding parenchyma. x 230.
FIGURE 9Liver section from DAB-fed rat, toluidine blue staining. A portion of a tumor mass is shown on the left. x 230.
FIGURE 10Gdjacent section, PAS reaction. Absence of glycogen in hepatoma cells, strong positive reaction given by surrounding tissue. x 230.