512.643In the symmetric positive definite case, two-sided eigenvalue bounds for block Jacobi scaled matrices and upper eigenvalue bounds for matrices preconditioned with an incomplete bloek factorization are derived. A quantitative characterization of block matriz partitionings is also suggested, which can be used when analyzing various block preconditioning methods. Bibliography: 13 titles. w 1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we present certain bounds for the extreme eigenvalues of symmetric positive definite (s.p.d) matrices either block Jacobi scMed or preconditioned with an incomplete block factorization method. The block Jacobi scaling can be considered as a classical method. Furthermore, interest in this method has increased recently because of its practically ideal suitability to implementation on parallel computers. As to the incomplete block factorization methods, they have been intensively studied during the last decade (see, e.g., [1,[3][4][5][6][8][9][10][11][12]) since they proved to be efficient as preconditioners when solving different problems mainly by the conjugate gradient method.This paper is specific, in particular, in the fact that a number of bounds for the block Jacobi scaling and incomplete block factorization preconditionings are derived under the same assumptions, which permits one to compare the efficiency of the two types of preconditionings. In our opinion, an attempt to introduce a quantitative characterization of block matrix partitionings that can be used when analyzing block preconditioning methods is also of interest. The only alternative approach to the quantitative evaluation of block partitionings known up to now is based on the notion of block diagonal dominance (see, e.g., [13]) and, unfortunately, is inapplicable in many practically important cases.The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we define the spectral parameters ~i(A) providing a quantitative characterization of a block partitioning of the matrix A and present their elementary properties. Section 3 is devoted to eigenvalue bounds for the block Jacobi scaling involving, in particular, the parameters ~i(A). Finally, Sec. 4 presents upper eigenvalue bounds for symmetric positive definite matrices preconditioned with an incomplete block factorization method, generalizing and improving similar results of [3]. The bounds suggested are applicable to incomplete block factorizations of a general type. However, when deriving them we mainly kept in mind the so-called modified incomplete block factorizations (see, e.g., [4,5,8]) whose most important feature is that the eigenvMues of the matrices preconditioned with them are bounded below by one. As an example, we use the standard two-dimensional model problem and show that when preconditioning it with a modified incomplete block factorization, the spectral condition number of the resulting matrix does not exceed ~ + O(1), where m is the block size of the matrix.To conclude this section, we present the notation used in the paper. By In or, simply, by I we denote the (ai...