Let g be a pseudo-Riemanian metric on a manifold V with conventional n+n dimensional splitting, n ≥ 2, for a nonholonomic (non-integrable) distribution N and consider a correspondingly adapted linear metric compatible connection D and its torsion T , both completely determined by g. We prove that there are certain generalized frame and/or jet transforms and prolongations with (g, V) → ( g, V) into explicit classes of solutions of some generalized Einstein equations Ric = Λ g, Λ = const, encoding various types of (nonholonomic) Ricci soliton configurations and/or jet variables and symmetries, in particular, subject to the condition T = 0. This allows us to construct in general form generic off-diagonal exact solutions depending on all space time coordinates on V and its jet prolongations, via generating and integration functions and various classes of constants and associated symmetries. We consider an example when exact solutions are constructed as nonholonomic jet prolongations of the Kerr metrics, with possible Ricci soliton deformations, and characterized by generalized connections.Keywords: Nonholonomic manifolds and jets; geometric methods and PDE; Ricci solitons and Einstein spaces; exact solutions and modified gravity.
Nonholonomic jets and (pseudo) Riemannian manifoldsJets are certain equivalence classes of smooth maps between two manifolds M, dim M = n, and Q, dim Q = m, when maps are represented by Taylor polynomials 7 . One writes this as f, g : M → Q: a r-jet is determined at a point u ∈ M if there is a r-th order contact at u. Two curves γ, δ : R → V have the r-th contact at zero if for every smooth function ϕ on M the difference ϕ • γ − ϕ • δ vanishes to r-th order at 0 ∈ R. In this case, we have an equivalence relation γ ∼ r δ whenTwo maps f, g : V → Q are said to determine the same r-jet at x ∈ M, if for every curve γ : R → V with γ(0) = x the curves f • γ and g • γ have the r-th order contact at zero. In such a case, we write j. An equivalence class of this relation is called an r-jets of M into Q. The set of all r-jets of M into Q is denoted by J r (M, Q); for an element X = j r x f ∈ J r (M, Q), the point x := αX is the source of X and the point f (x) =: βX is the target of X. * DAAD fellowship affiliations for two host institutions The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by on 05/11/18. For personal use only.