Purpose: The construction and use of a surgical snare in retrieving and securing posterior chamber intraocular lenses is described.
Methods:The snare consists of a 1 0 -0 polypropylene suture threaded into a 25-gauge retrobulbar needle. This is used after a pars plana vitrectomy to retrieve the dislocated intraocular lens. The needle attached to the polypropylene suture is used to secure the lens haptic 1.5mm behind the limbus. Two snares are used to secure the two lens haptics.
Conclusions:The snare is easy to make with readily available materials. The use of this snare involves less intraocular and extraocular manipulations than other described methods.complicated cataract surgery, and occasionally after over-vigorous removal of opacified posterior capsule d u r i n g vitreous surgery on pseudophakic patients. One alternative in rectifying the problem is to reposition and securely fix the intraocular lens into the ciliary sulcus either with transscleral or iris fixation. A closedeye technique to achieve this is probably the safest and requires some kind of snare device to retrieve and fix the haptics. Previously described devices have either been expensive or have required complex suturing andWe describe a technique for retrieval and transscleral fixation of dislocated intraocular lenses using a surgical snare that can be easily made with readily available disposable sutures and needles.