Abstract-Chronic incubation with elevated D-glucose reduces adenosine transport in endothelial cells. In this study, exposure of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to 25 mmol/L D-glucose or 100 mol/L ATP, ATP-␥-S, or UTP, but not ADP or ␣,-methylene ATP, reduced adenosine transport with no change in transport affinity. Inhibition of transport by D-glucose, ATP, and ATP-␥-S was associated with reduced maximal binding, with no changes in the apparent dissociation constant for nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR). A significant reduction (Ϸ60Ϯ10%, PϽ0.05; nϭ6) in the number of human equilibrative NBMPR-sensitive nucleoside transporters (hENT1s) per cell (1.8Ϯ0.1ϫ10 6 in 5 mmol/L D-glucose) and in hENT1 mRNA levels was observed in cells exposed to D-glucose or ATP-␥-S. Incubation with elevated D-glucose, but not with D-mannitol, increased the ATP release by 3Ϯ0.2-fold . The effects of D-glucose and nucleotides on the number and activity of hENT1 and hENT1 mRNA were blocked by reactive blue 2 (nonspecific P 2Y purinoceptor antagonist), suramin (G␣ s protein inhibitor), or hexokinase but not by pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2Ј,4Ј-disulfonic acid (nonselective P 2 purinoceptor antagonist). Our findings demonstrate that inhibition of adenosine transport via hENT1 in endothelial cells cultured in 25 mmol/L D-glucose could be due to stimulation of P 2Y2 purinoceptors by ATP, which is released from these cells in response to D-glucose. This could be a mechanism to explain in part the vasodilatation observed in the early stages of diabetes mellitus or in response to D-glucose Key Words: endothelium Ⅲ adenosine Ⅲ nitric oxide Ⅲ glucose Ⅲ purinoceptors R emoval of extracellular adenosine is an essential step in the modulation of several of the biological actions of this endogenous nucleoside. 1-4 Plasma and tissue levels of adenosine are regulated by an efficient membrane transport mediated by the Na ϩ -independent, nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR)-sensitive equilibrative nucleoside transporter (system es or ENT1) 3,4 in human vascular endothelium 5,6 and smooth muscle. 7,8 Human ENT1 (hENT1) expression in Raji cells (a human B-lymphocyte cell line) is dependent on NO levels and the activity of protein kinase C (PKC). 9 Incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with 25 mmol/L D-glucose for 24 hours has been reported to reduce the NBMPR-sensitive adenosine transport associated with increased protein levels and the activity of endothelial NO synthase, intracellular Ca 2ϩ , PKC, and mitogen-activated protein kinases p42/p44 mapk . 6,10 Thus, hENT1 adenosine transporters could be expressed and modulated in HUVECs.It has been reported that ATP inhibits dipyridamolesensitive adenosine transport in human pulmonary artery endothelium. 11 ATP also induces activation of PKC in endothelium from human umbilical vein, 12 bovine pulmonary artery, 13 and porcine aorta. 14,15 Activation of P 2Y1 and P 2Y2 purinoceptors with ATP induced the phosphorylation of p42 mapk in the human endothelial cell line EAhy 926 16 and p42...