and is such that every hereditary pretorsion class in σ[M ] is M -dominated, then M has finite length. In this paper a module M is constructed which is product closed, finitely generated and projective but which is not artinian. Beachy and Blair [1, Proposition 1.4 and Corollary 3.3] that the following three conditions on a ring R with identity are equivalent:
It was shown by(1) every hereditary pretorsion class in R-Mod is closed under arbitrary (and not just finite) direct products, or equivalently, every left topologizing filter on R is closed under arbitrary (and not just finite) intersections;(2) every left R-module M is finitely annihilated, meaning (0 : M ) = (0 : X) for some finite subset X of M ;(3) R is left artinian.This result provided the motivation for [7] which is devoted to the more general investigation of left R-modules M with the property that every hereditary pretorsion class in σ[M ] is closed under arbitrary products in σ [M ]. A module M with this property is called product closed. Beachy and Blair's theorem thus states that the ring R, when considered as left module over itself, is product closed precisely when R is left artinian. Results in [7] show that this characterization fails for a general module M . Whilst a module M with finite length is necessarily