= 20,9). Com relação à validade de construto, obtiveram-se correlações moderadas entre as medidas de imagem corporal e autoestima (r= 0,30 e p= 0,008) e correlações moderadas entre as medidas de imagem corporal e as obtidas nos domínios afeto e imagem corporal (r= 0,45 e p= 0,000) e relações interpessoais ( r= 0,33 e p= 0,003) da BSHS-R. Com relação à confiabilidade, obtivemos um alto valor para a consistência interna da versão adaptada do BIQLI (Alfa = 0,90). A análise fatorial realizada com um único fator previamente determinado explicou 37,30% da variância de resposta, de forma que a menor carga encontrada foi 0,395. Concluímos que a versão adaptada do BIQLI atendeu aos critérios de validade e confiabilidade, mantendo as propriedades da versão original. The validity of the construct was assessed through the Pearson correlation test between the results obtained through applying the BIQLI and the results of the correlate construct assessments -self-esteem (applying the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) and quality of life (applying the Burns Specific Health Scale-Revised). To check the number of components in the BIQLI and aiming at the comparison to other studies, the main components were analyzed and the test to compare different groups was performed. The reliability was assessed through the internal consistency of its items (Cronbach Alpha). The significance level adopted was of 0.05. Seventy-seven patients, aged between 18 and 62 being treated at the outpatient clinic of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Clinical Hospital Burn Unit participated in the validation phase. The mean of the values obtained for each one of the 19 items in the BIQLI was of 0.62 (Standard Deviation -S.D. = 1.,1) and for the total BIQLI score 11.8 (S.D. = 20.9). With regards to the construct validity, moderate correlations were obtained between the body-image and self-esteem measurements (r= 0.30 and p= 0.008) and moderate correlations between the body-image measurements and those obtained from the affection and body-image (r= 0.45 and p= 0.000) and interpersonal-relations ( r= 0.33 and p= 0.003) domains of the BSHS-R. As to the reliability, we obtained a high value for the internal consistency of the adapted BIQLI version (Alpha = 0.90). The factorial analysis performed with a single predetermined factor explained 37.30% of the response variance, in such a way that the lowest load found was of 0.395. We concluded that the adapted BIQLI version met the validity and reliability criteria, maintaining the properties of the original version.