With their long mean free paths and efficient heating of the intergalactic medium (IGM), X-rays could have a dramatic impact on the thermal and ionization history of the Universe. Here we run several semi-numeric simulations of the Dark Ages and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), including both X-rays and UV radiation fields, attempting to provide an intuitive framework for interpreting upcoming observations. We explore the impact of X-rays on various signals: (i) Reionization history: including X-rays results in an earlier, slightly more extended EoR. However, efficient thermal feedback from X-ray heating could yield an extended epoch in which the Universe was ≈ 10% ionized. (ii) Reionization morphology: a sizable (∼10%) contribution of X-rays to reionization results in a more uniform morphology, though the impact is modest when compared at the same global neutral fraction,x HI . Specifically, X-rays produce a dearth of fully neutral regions and a suppression of smallscale (k ∼ > 0.1Mpc −1 ) ionization power by a factor of ∼ < 2. However, these changes in morphology cannot be countered by increasing the bias of the ionizing sources, making them a robust indicator of an X-ray contribution to the EoR. (iii) The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect: at a fixed reionization history, X-rays decrease the kSZ power at l = 3000 by ≈ 0.5µK 2 . Our extreme model in which X-rays entirely drive reionization is the only one which is marginally consistent with the recent upper limits on this signal from the South Pole Telescope, assuming no thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) -dusty galaxy cross-correlation. Since this extreme model is unlikely, we conclude that there should be a sizable tSZ-dusty galaxy cross-correlation. (iv) The redshifted 21cm signal: the impact of X-rays on the 21cm power spectrum during the advanced stages of reionization (x HI ∼ < 0.7) is modest, except in extreme, X-ray dominated models. The largest impact of X-rays is to govern the timing and duration of IGM heating. In fact, unless thermal feedback is efficient, the epoch of X-ray heating likely overlaps with the beginning of reionization. This results in a 21cm power spectrum which is ∼10-100 times higher atx HI ∼ > 0.9 than obtained from naive estimates ignoring this overlap. On the other hand, if thermal feedback is efficient, the resulting extended epoch between X-ray heating and reionization could provide a clean probe of the matter power spectrum in emission, at redshifts more accessible than the Dark Ages.