The rapid growth of the silicon-based microelectronics industry since the late 1980s has fuelled a demand for greater integrated circuit functionality and improved performance at lower cost. This requires an increased circuit density, which has been achieved by a continual reduction, or ªscalingº, in the dimensions of the field-effect transistor (FET), [1] the fundamental active device in the silicon integrated circuit (IC). Key elements enabling the scaling of the Si-based metal±oxide±semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) are the materials and electrical properties of the dielectric layer employed to isolate the transistor gate from the Si channel. For many years, amorphous SiO 2 has been the chosen dielectric layer, due to its stable, high quality, Si±SiO 2 interface, and excellent electrical isolation properties.[2] The rapid shrinking of the transistor feature size has forced the channel length and gate dielectric thickness to also decrease rapidly, but as the dimensions of the SiO 2 layer approach 20±30 , direct electron tunneling effects and high leakage currents present serious obstacles to future device reliability. The use of materials with a higher dielectric constant (k) than SiO 2 allows an equivalent capacitance to be achieved in a physically thicker insulating layer, and thicker layers should, in turn, provide reduced leakage currents. Therefore, there has been much recent research aimed at replacing the conventional SiO 2 gate dielectric with alternative high k dielectric oxides such as Al 2 O 3 , [3] Ta 2 O 5 , [4] TiO 2 , [5] ZrO 2 , [6] HfO 2 , [7] and La 2 O 3 , [8] and their related silicates.[2]Of these materials, lanthanum oxide, La 2 O 3 , has good potential due to its relatively high permittivity, [9] but unfortunately La 2 O 3 is chemically unstable in air, reacting with CO 2 to form La 2 (CO 3 ) 3 , [10] and adsorbing water to give LaO(OH) and La(OH) 3 by an extensive surface hydroxylation process. [11,12] This can result in oxygen vacancies and excess positive charge in the oxide film layer, leading to unwanted flat-band voltage shifts in the metal±oxide dielectric structure.[8] Some recent research efforts have therefore focussed on the deposition and properties of lanthanum silicate (LaSi x O y ) films. [13,14] Although LaSi x O y films have a lower permittivity than La 2 O 3 , they are more stable and are less likely to contain oxygen deficiencies.There have been a number of recent studies into the deposition of La-containing insulators for gate dielectric applications. For example, some of the highest capacitance metal±insulator±silicon structures have been fabricated by the deposition of metallic La followed by low temperature oxidation. [15] However, the precise nature of these films is uncertain due to the ready formation of lanthanum silicate at the silicon±LaO x interface. For instance, a significant concentration of Si (~10 at.-%) was observed in LaO x films deposited by atomic beam deposition on a Si(100) substrate, [8] whilst a La±Si±O alloy was observed to form at ...