Spatial behaviour of Salamandra atra aurorae Trevisan, 1982, was investigated by a capture-recapture program during a whole season of activity. Salamanders changed their behaviour with growth: while juveniles usually dispersed on the ground, adults showed a strong delity to a limited area, a few square metres wide, also from year to year. Each individual frequently changed its diurnal refuge over the course of the whole activity season, choosing among a large variety of potential shelters. The distribution pattern of the home ranges was slightly aggregated, irrespective of age and sex. Under the assumptions of a closed population and an equal catchability among individuals, a density of 475 ( §184; 95% con dence interval) salamanders per hectare was estimated in a mature and quite open wood, whereas a density of 97 ( §23; 95% con dence interval) salamanders per hectare was estimated in a thicker wood.