Upon insertion, transposable elements can disrupt or alter gene function in various ways. Transposons moving through a cut-and-paste mechanism are in addition often mutagenic when excising because repair of the empty site seldom restores the original sequence. The characterization of numerous excision events in many eukaryotes indicates that transposon excision from a given site can generate a high degree of DNA sequence and phenotypic variation. Whether such variation is generated randomly remains largely to be determined. To this end, we have exploited a well-characterized system of genetic instability in the fungus Ascobolus immersus to perform an extensive study of excision events. We show that this system, which produces many phenotypically and genetically distinct derivatives, results from the excision of a novel Ds-like transposon, Ascot-1, from the spore color gene b2. A unique set of 48 molecularly distinct excision products were readily identified from a representative sample of excision derivatives. Products varied in their frequency of occurrence over 4 orders of magnitude, yet most showed small palindromic nucleotide additions. Based on these and other observations, compelling evidence was obtained for intermediate hairpin formation during the excision reaction and for strong biases in the subsequent processing steps at the empty site. Factors likely to be involved in these biases suggest new parallels between the excision reaction performed by transposons of the hAT family and V(D)J recombination. An evaluation of the contribution of small palindromic nucleotide additions produced by transposon excision to the spectrum of spontaneous mutations is also presented.Transposons are ubiquitous components of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, contributing to structural organization, gene activity, and evolution. Two classes of transposons have been distinguished according to their modes of transposition (12). Class I transposons, or retroelements, move by reverse transcription of their RNA, whereas class II transposons are mobilized by either excision/reinsertion or cointegration. Although class I and class II transposons generate variability primarily by their insertion into host DNA, class II elements that move by a cut-and-paste mechanism often produce additional variability at a given site as a result of the excision footprint left at that site. Understanding how these footprints are formed is therefore essential for the proper evaluation of the full mutational impact of the class II transposons.The excision reaction can be separated into two steps, double-strand break formation at both ends of the transposon and repair of the gapped molecule. In vivo and in vitro studies performed with bacterial and animal DNA transposons have shown that all transposases examined cleave precisely at the 3ЈOH ends of the element, which serve for the subsequent strand transfer reaction. On the other hand, the position of the 5Ј cleavage required for the excision of the element need not occur precisely at the tran...