Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Fusarium guttiforme são fungos fitopatogênicos causadores de diversas doenças pós-colheita em frutos. As substâncias "GRAS"-(Generally d Regarded As Safe), são uma alternativa no controle de microorganismos na fase pós-colheita, devido seus efeitos fungistáticos e fungicidas comprovados. O presente estudo observou os efeitos de cinco substâncias "GRAS" no controle de crescimento dos fungos fitopatogênicos C. gloeosporioides e F. guttiforme in vitro.
GRAS substances in control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides growth and Fusarium guttiforme vitroABSTRACT-Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Fusarium guttiforme are phytopathogenic fungi causing various post-harvest diseases in fruits. Substances "GRAS" -(Generally Regarded Ase Safe), they are an alternative for the control of microorganisms in the post-harvest phase, due to their fungistatic and fungicide effects. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory effects of five "GRAS" substances over the growth of pathogenic fungi C. gloeosporioides and F. guttiforme in vitro. Culture media (PDA) were supplemented with 1%, 3% and 5% sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium chloride and 0.1% 0.5% 1% potassium chloride. 10μl spore solution was inoculated at a concentration of 5x10 3 ml/spore. From the five substances used in the tests, sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate inhibited 100% of C. gloeosporioides growth, the others were not limiting to the development of the fungus when compared to control. Sodium carbonate inhibited 100% of F. guttiforme growth at all concentrations. Were also positive, sodium bicarbonate in concentrations of 3% and 5%. The treatment with 5% calcium chloride at 51% reduced the growth this phytopatogen. Other substances not reduced or inhibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen when compared to the control. From the five substances "GRAS" tested in this work, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, were effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of C. gloeosporioides. Sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride were able in to reduce the growth of F. guttiforme.