In the retinal binding pocket of rhodopsin, a Schiff base links the retinal ligand covalently to the Lys296 side chain. Light transforms the inverse agonist 11-cis-retinal into the agonist all-trans-retinal, leading to the active Meta II state. Crystal structures of Meta II and the active conformation of the opsin apoprotein revealed two openings of the 7-transmembrane (TM) bundle towards the hydrophobic core of the membrane, one between TM1/TM7 and one between TM5/TM6, respectively. Computational analysis revealed a putative ligand channel connecting the openings and traversing the binding pocket. Identified constrictions within the channel motivated this study of 35 rhodopsin mutants in which single amino acids lining the channel were replaced. 11-cis-retinal uptake and all-trans-retinal release were measured using UV/visible and fluorescence spectroscopy. Most mutations slow or accelerate both uptake and release, often with opposite effects. Mutations closer to the Lys296 active site show larger effects. The nucleophile hydroxylamine accelerates retinal release 80 times but the action profile of the mutants remains very similar. The data show that the mutations do not probe local channel permeability but rather affect global protein dynamics, with the focal point in the ligand pocket. We propose a model for retinal/receptor interaction in which the active receptor conformation sets the open state of the channel for 11-cis-retinal and all-trans-retinal, with positioning of the ligand at the active site as the kinetic bottleneck. Although other G protein-coupled receptors lack the covalent link to the protein, the access of ligands to their binding pocket may follow similar schemes.G protein-coupled-receptor | regeneration | signal transduction T he photoreceptor rhodopsin is a prototypical member of the superfamily of seven transmembrane (7 TM) helix or G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Rhodopsin consists of the apoprotein opsin and the covalently bound chromophoric ligand 11-cis-retinal, which acts as a powerful inverse agonist and holds the receptor in its inactive conformation. Absorption of a photon isomerizes the chromophore to the agonist all-trans-retinal which in turn triggers conformational changes of the protein leading to the active, G protein-binding form metarhodopsin II (Meta II). In rod cells Meta II decays within minutes by hydrolysis of the Schiff base and release of all-trans-retinal. The regeneration of the rhodopsin dark state by uptake of new 11-cis-retinal effectively suppresses the basal activity of opsin and primes it at the same time for photoactivation (1, 2).In the rhodopsin dark state, 11-cis-retinal is buried in its binding pocket in the core of the 7 TM bundle. The side chain of Lys296 in TM7 protrudes into the pocket and provides the active site for the protonated Schiff base linkage between ligand and protein. The protonated Schiff base is stabilized by a salt-bridge with its counterion, Glu113, and by residues in the second extracellular loop, which is folded deeply into the...