Stem and bulb nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae), is one of the most important plant parasitic nematodes worldwide. The host range of local populations needs to be determined for control using crop rotation. Susceptibility of 29 plant species was tested for onion and garlic populations of D. dipsaci from Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey under growth chamber conditions in Karaman in 2019. Based on the reproduction factor of the nematodes, garlic, onion and tomato were excellent hosts for both populations of D. dipsaci. Pea and spinach were excellent hosts for the onion population, while good host for the garlic population with cucumber a good host for both populations. Eggplant, pepper and zucchini were identified as poor hosts for both nematode populations. Bean and potato were poor hosts for the onion population, and were non-hosts for the garlic population. Alfalfa, barley, carrot, chickpea, daffodil, hyacinth, kale, leek, lettuce, maize, melon, oat, rye, strawberry, sugar beet, tobacco, tulip and wheat were non-hosts for both populations of D. dipsaci. Infection with D. dipsaci significantly reduced plant weight of onion and tomato, and plant height of pepper. Rotational crops for use in areas infected with D. dipsaci in Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey were indicated by the current study.